Manière - The woman is the most perfect doll ,all others peoples will feel that have dressed with delight and admiration

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Let’s take M3 out =D

                                                          ~Welcome back GIRLS~

Yea~ Are you facing trouble of having too much of socialization? Many dinners or parties need to attend and don't know what to wear?

We know you probably have parties after parties lined up either after school, after work or even after dinner– you might need to have some party dresses for more choices right.

AHA~ So after we bring you all back to traditional, modern and summer fashion, now it’s time to go for DINNER fashion. = ]

The blog shop that we will introduce is Always be edgy ^_^

#Take A Look On The Dresses#

All of the dresses are suitable for wearing to events such as a semi-formal, prom, or other formal occasion.

GIRLS!! The main point is nothing is over RM50 in this shop! Check it Out~

Do not miss out of these affordable dresses!!

Faster grab them home and Let's go for parties!! ^_*

Saturday 26 May 2012

Leisure, Vogue & Well-Dresses

Guess what is the Season now? Yes, now is Summer...
Confuse what should wear in this Hot Season? 
Don't Worry,  Fancy Flower will bring a good news to all Ladies. It have a lots of shirt which popular in this season.

At First Glance, this blog have give me a FRESH feeling. We believe that you all will have the same feeling with me. Inside this blog, there have many categories for you all choose such as leisure type, vogue type, well-dresses and so on. Other than that, the most important is all the selling price is Reasonable and Affordable.

First of all, that we would like to introduce is  Leisure type.  It is not a problem that let you to wear for shopping or even go to beach. It is very comfortable while wearing this.  Furthermore, YOU also can wear the cloths to show your Style and Vitality

Next type is Well-Dresses. In this season, all the designers had design the cloths with Flower and many kinds of Patterns. As most of the people like to follow the trend, therefore we think most of ladies will like this so much . ^^

Last but not least, we would like to introduce is Vogue type. This is Simple and easy to caring. While wearing these kind of Skirt can show your Fashionable and get attention form others. 

These are that we would like to INTRODUCE to you all for this week.
We're Glad if all this can serve your purposes. 
Please Return and View our blog again~~~

*We will Update our Blog every week ...  

Saturday 19 May 2012

From Modern Back To Traditional

 Hey~ Welcome back to our blog~ 

Today we gonna bring you all into another fashion world ---“Brain-Braun-Beauty” ~ =D
This is totally different from the last week fashion that we intro to you all…

This blog shop has a lot of unique and beautiful clothes that can express your beautiful and inner of you… 

It follows the popular trend to provide you all the modernist fashion clothes…
Such as long and short dresses, dinner wear, jackets, skirts, tops and so on…
To let everyone have the chance to become a Fashion Queen… ^^


The most special clothes in this blog shop are
(Mandarin Gown)

Actually, Cheongsam is the body-hugging one piece Chinese Traditional dress for women….
But…The design of Cheongsam has changed into the modernized version…=

This Cheongsam made of the brightly colored silk and satin with the Chinese embroidery…
Different embroidery of Cheongsam shows you the different visual effect and presents your confidence S line body shape and slender legs~ O///O

This blog also provide the information of the clothes such as the colour, material, measurement, and price, how to order, and different review of the clothes and so on…

We will try to explore more attractive and new blog shop to you all~
 We are appreciate your support and don’t forget that continue to read and support our blog~
Come and visit us again~ =D

Thursday 17 May 2012

Modern, Unique, Vintage Style Fashion

Hi ! =D
Today I gonna intro an interesting blog shop to you all.

The blog name as The Vintage Socialites,
We introduce this blog to you all is because this blog is very special,
the items they sell are not about ---vintage style”  fashion clothes.

This blog shop created a whole new style with a section dedicated
to the 20th century vintage socialites of today.

It can make us to create a distinctively high casual
with mix of contemporary 80’s –


Vintage clothing is known for
better tailoring craftsmanship superior materials
& great attention to detail.

This is really a big matter to debate in “vintage” right now.

Nowadays, getting more people start to acceptable vintage style clothes,
especially Chinese.

Last, at the right hand side of this blog,
we can see got a lot of information provided by blog owner.

There have info about their product, concept
& inspirations for this blog shop, purchasing method :
follow Step by Step, Terms & Condition, Delivery Method.

These are the information normally blog shop owner will provide.

But in this blog shop, we can see the different is the owner not only provide the basic information for buyers, :-
  •           provide some history about vintage clothes picture
  •          share with us about her beloved Model with vintage clothes
  •     Picture for First Asian Model in PARIS- Tina Chow with vintage clothes
  •          Picture for M’sia Fashion Icon from the 80’s – Noorkumalasari
  •          Fashion forward

This is a picture we take from the blog shop and mix up.

Have a look on it.  =) 

Hope you will return to view our blog again~!

Monday 14 May 2012

Hi peeps! =D

YEAH~!!! ConGratuLation! Finally our new website for this blog is born. 
Basically, we are hereby to introduce our new blog to all of you. 
So what our blog is?

 As you all can see that our blog name is called as Manière
which is mean fashion in French. 
For your information, we will introduce or recommend the latest hot items, 
special products which is we refer from other blog shops. 

   Our mainly targeted fashion will be more to female. 
So, if you are feeling lost to make decision or want to know about the latest fashion trend, 
do not hesitate to visit our blog to take a look and it surely can give you an idea.

            What we will going to introduce or recommend the items confirm are available 
and can be purchase in Malaysia. 
Therefore you guys do not worry about the available of stocks in Malaysia. 
Last, hOpe YoU aLL EnJoY yOuR dAy =)